Fleet management

Fleet management
Stables: manage your account online

Donkey Republic’s backend system Stables allows you to set up your operation from the computer. Create hubs, name and pair bikes with locks, access rentals and revenue, and much more on Stables.

Shepherd App: your operation from your phone

Go around the city and manage your bikes from your phone with the Shepherd App. See and close bike tickets, relocate bikes, create stations and see ebike battery level among many other tools.

Dashboard guide: your operations in data

Stables gives you the opportunity to get an in depth overview of your operation via detailed dashboards. Dig into the data to see your operation’s performance and evolution.

License guide

Not always sure how to handle license’s management? This guide explains you how the license set up works and how to manage it.

Report issues with your bikes

Whenever you have an issue with a bike, please report it in your Slack channel or, if you do not have a slack channel fill in the following form